The master program aims at providing high-level skills necessary for the formalization and the consequent mathematical analysis of problems arising from applied sciences and technologies. The program provides courses which complete the basic mathematical competences, covering all the main areas of Mathematics. Then, the student has a choice of courses focused in areas where the support of advanced mathematical methods is fundamental for recent scientific researches and developing technologies.
The MSc in Applied Mathematics is taught in English
MIUR degree class: LM-40 Second cycle degree in Mathematics
Duration in years: 2
Credits: 120
Thanks to a broad training based on the interplay between theory and application, the master's graduates in Applied Mathematics will have the skills to contribute to the solution of a wide range of problems, applications, and will be able to successfully enter into production environments, administrations, and in the research world, or continue their education through doctoral or advanced schools, in mathematics or in the disciplines that make relevant use of mathematical modeling.